TYPO3 E-Learning: BigBlueButton Virtual Classroom for LMS3

LEARNTUBE! has integrated BigBlueButton into TYPO3. The extension perfectly complements LMS3, the blended learning solution for TYPO3 that has been established in the market since 2008, with the virtual classroom . The free BigBlueButton TYPO3 extension will be published in the TYPO3 Extension Repository before the end of the year.

TYPO3 uses the BigBlueButton API so that this solution can also be used in TYPO3-based environments: For example, participants in meetings can be authenticated and user groups can be selected and - in the extended version - the integration of recordings or the scheduling of meetings is also possible.

"But we wanted to achieve even more. Therefore, by integrating this software into LMS3, we have created a grading option, on the basis of which certificates can then be issued, for example," says Stefan Ramaker, founder and owner of LEARNTUBE!

Thus, the e-learning solution LMS3 now offers further functions for blended learning formats, with which online self-learning units and online live meetings can be perfectly combined.

About BigBlueButton

BigBlueButton is an established software available in 55 languages and, according to its own statement, the only virtual classroom that explicitly takes into account the requirements of teachers and trainers. Similar to TYPO3, BigBlueButton is continuously developed as open source software and numerous companies now offer commercial support. The possibility of installing and operating BigBlueButton on servers in the EU is also advantageous for universities and public institutions in terms of the DSGVO guidelines.

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TYPO3 BigBlueButton Extension


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